The association „RODA“ is organizing a roundtable “Zatvorenice majke – #perspektiva#” (“Mothers in jail – #perspective#”) on the 20th of January 2015, starting at 10 a.m.. The roundtable will be held in “Mala kuća dječjih prava” (a children’s rights organization’s building) at Teslina 10 (street) in Zagreb, and is organized in cooperation with the Ombudswoman for children, as a part of the project “MA#MA – Strengthening jailed mothers for their parental role and including them into the work-market”.

At the roundtable, the following speakers will be present: Ph.D. Ivana Milas Klarić, Croatian Ombudswoman for children; Ivana Zanze, executive director of the association Roditelji u akciji (Parents in Action) – RODA; M.A. Maja Gabelica Šupljika, deputy of the Ombudswoman for children; Marija Knežević, psychology student, Croatian studies; Tajana Novosel, law student, Law Facutly; Monika Bašić, B.A. social work; Amanda Mataija, student of Social rights.

In order to move forward the future young professionals to an active engagement in this field, last year, the association RODA has created an open competition to award the best student papers on the topic of „Rights and needs of jailed parents, their families, and especially children.“ The chosen student papers include new information about social exclusivity of jailed mothers, but also open a new perspective to the invisible victim of this situatuon – the child(ren) of jailed parents. The proeces that precedes the leave for jail, the time of sentence-serving in prison, prison visits to their parents or the lack of them will all mark the childhood and lives of these children. Not only that they cannot escape from the mistakes of their parents, but very often, through stigma, isolation and shame, they are „serving“ the sentence along with their parents. In case the mother is in prison, the problems and social exclusion of these children are greater.

All interested persons are invited that with their prsents, questions and comments contribute to the discussion which will follow after the speaker-presentations. The presentations will range from discussing the needs and rights of children whose parents are in jail, opportunities to improve the communication between children with jailed parents, to opportunities for the improvement of practice.

The intention of this announced event is to gather and link together professionals in order to engage in the collective solving of this unrecognized problem.

The participation at this roundtable needs to be confirmed by the 19th of January 2015 at 12:00 (noon) at the latest, by calling the number 01/6177 500 or through this online form.

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