Sexual violence
- Real rape: how the legal system victimizes women who say no, Estrich Susan, 1987
- Group treatment for sexually abused children: a project of the San Fernando Valley Child Guidance Clinic. Mandell, Joan Golden, 1989
- The rapists’ progress: ethnicity, gender and violence Journal of Sociology, Editor: Jelena Zlatković, Winter 24 (1993), 3/4 ; pp. 119-129, Mežnarić Silva, 1993
- Mass rape: the war against women in Bosnia-Herzegovina = Massenvergewaltigung : Krieg gegen die Frauen, Stiglmayer Alexandra, translation: Faber Marion, 1994
- Rape warfare: the hidden genocide in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia, Beverly Allen, 1996
- Breaking the wall of silence : the voices of raped Bosnia, Vranić Seada, 1996
- Sexual violence: an invisible weapon of war in the former Yugoslavia, Bassiouni M. Cherif, 1996
- Systematic rape a weapon of war in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, Lawyer – Journal for Legal and Social Issues (Pravnik- časopis za pravna i društvena pitanja), Editor: Mislav Mataja, 31 (1997), 3/4(61/62) ; pp. 183-193, Petričušić Antonija, 1997
- Mass rape victims, Lawyer – Journal for Legal and Social Issues (Pravnik- časopis za pravna i društvena pitanja),
Editor: Mislav Mataja, 31 (1997), 3/4(61/62) ; pp. 195-204, Bajs Denis, 1997 - Betrayed as boys: psychodynamic treatment of sexually abused men, Gartner Richard B., 1999
- Sexual violence: the reality for woman, The London Rape Crisis Centre, 1999
- Radical feminism on rape, Social Research – Journal for General Social Issues (Društvena istraživanja- časopis za opća društvena pitanja), Editor: Renata Franc, 8 (1999), 4(42) ; pp. 497-511, Primorac Igor, 1999
- Some fundamental flaws in the design of sexual harassment policies, Social Research – Journal for General Social Issues (Društvena istraživanja- časopis za opća društvena pitanja), Editor: Maja Štambuk, 9 (2000), 6(50) ; pp. 829-845, George Michael, 2000
Trafficking in persons
- Stolen lives: trading women into sex and slavery, Sietske Altink, 1995
- Trafficking in women and children for sexual exploitation: an assessment study: the extent of the problem and the need for counter trafficking measures in Croatia, Štulhofer Aleksandar, 2002
- Against the worldwide trafficking in human beings as modern-day form of slavery: looking from traditional Islamic perspective, Katheran Nevad, 2002
- Women and trafficking, Zimic Zavratnik Simona, 2004
- Trafficking in women in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Obradović Vladimir, 2004
- Two Kyrgyz women: inspired by true stories of victims of trafficking, Franulović Marinka, 2007
- Human trafficking: in the eyes of the youth in Croatia: understanding the problem and prevention possibilities, Raboteg- Šarić Zora, 2007
- Trafficking in the eyes of the youth in Croatia: understanding the problem and prevention possibilities, Raboteg-Šarić Zora, 2007
- Rethinking trafficking in women: politics out of security, Aradau Claudia, 2008
Violence against women
- Violence against women : the hidden health burden, Heise L. Lori., 1994
- Battering syndrome: why men beat women and the professional’s guide to intervention, Groetsch Michael, 1996
- Leaving abusive partners: from the scars of survival to the wisdom for change, Kirkwood Catherine, 1997
- Rethinking violence against women,Emerson R. Dobash, 1998
- Handbook dealing with woman abuse and the Canadian criminal justice system: guidelines for physicians, Ferris Lorraine E., 1999
- Violence against women: research project, Belamarić Jasna, 2000
- Women, violence and war: wartime victimization of refugees in the Balkans, Ristanović – Nikolić Vesna, 2000
- Until it stops: violence against women across transitional Europe, Jemrić Ines, 2003
- Status of women and treatment of gender-specific violence in international humanitarian and international criminal law, Radačić Ivana, 2005
- Victims as offenders: the paradox of women’s violence in relationships, Miller L.Susan, 2005
- Violence against lesbians, gays and bisexuals in Croatia: research report, Pikić Aleksandra, 2006
- Homophobia and violence against gays and lesbians in Slovenia, Kuhar Roman, 2008
Domestic violence
- Violence hits home: comprehensive treatment approaches to domestic violence, Stith,Sandra M. Mary Beth Williams, Karen Rosen, 1990
- Vocabulaire de la violence familiale = Vocabulary of family violence, Rondina Marisa, 1994
- Police training and family violence: a foundation for the future – perceptions of police trainers and professionals active in the area of family violence: the integrated report no. 1994-06, O’Sullivan S. P., 1994
- Anti-violence community school: a police/school partnership model : summary report no. 1994-04, Ryan,Collen, 1994
- Ending the cycle of violence: community responses to children of battered women, Einat Peled, 1995
- What trouble I have seen: a history of violence against wives, Peterson del Mar David, 1996
- Family violence across the lifespan: an introduction, Barnett Ola W., 1997
- What trouble I have seen: a history of violence against wives, Peterson del Mar David, 1998
- Insult to injury: rethinking our responses to intimate abuse, Mills Linda G., 2003
- Consequences of domestic violence on women’s mental health in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Avdibegović Esmina, 2006
- Domestic violence against women in Sivas, Turkey: survey study, Kocacik Faruk, 2006
- International standards on domestic violence and their implementation in Western Balkans, Nikolić- Ristanović Vesna, 2006
- National study on domestic violence against women in Croatia, Bego Adrijana, 2007
- Emotional and physical abuse in family: survey among high school adolescents, Aberle Neda, 2007
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