Registrations for a cycle of workshops for students that are victims of peer violence is underway. With the beginning in February of 2017, a cycle of workshops for middle school students and high school students will be held at the Tesa Psychological Center. Applications for new groups are currently underway.

The number of participants is limited to a maximum of 15 students per group. The advantage goes to the first applicants, therefore hurry with the applications. Students can be enrolled by their parents or by a professional service from school in agreement with their parents.

Beginning of the next workshop cycle: February 2017 (the exact date will be advertised subsequently). Prior applications of students are mandatory.

The cycle consists of six psychological workshops that will be held on Saturdays with the aim of strengthening the self-image, self-esteem and communication skills, especially assertiveness and non-violent conflict resolution.

The workshops will be held in the area of the Tesa Psychological Center at the Ban Josip Jelačić Square 1/III, Zagreb

Participation is free for all participants.

The workshops will be held by Tanja Dejanović Šagadin and Ana Čović, psychologists and psychotherapists.

The workshops will be done interactively with a series of student-adapted exercises through which students practise their obtained knowledge and acquire new skills.

Applications and additional information via email:

The cycle of workshops is held within the project HAND of SUPPORT (Ruka podrške) to students who suffer from violence- a project for prevention of peer violence, with the financial support from the Ministry of Social Policy and Youth for 2016, and the support of the City Office for Social Protection and Disabled Persons for 2016 is expected.

The Women’s Studies Center is conducting a research with the aim of mapping the representation and type of content related to women/ gender topics in the curriculum at higher educational institutions of some faculties at the University of Zagreb on the sample of several social-humanistic faculties and the Academy of Dramatic Art and the Faculty of Medicine.

We are searching for volunteers who would participate in the research by doing content analysis. Volunteers should be interested in women/gender topics; they should have theoretical knowledge of research implementation and a current student status or have graduated within the previous three years. Prior to the research, selected volunteers are obligated to take part in a 90 minute instruction guided by professionals.

Name of project: Researching representation of women/gender content in the university curriculum (as part of the “Active citizenship-youth education on gender equality project”)

Job type: Implementation of one of the research phases-20 hours of data collection

Organizer: Center for Women’s Studies

Contact person: Andreja Gregorina,

Project location: Dolac 8/I, Zagreb, City of Zagreb

Target group: student population/or persons who have finished university within the last 3 years

Target number of volunteers: 7

Start of volunteering: 7 February 2017

End of volunteering: 3 April 2017

Number of hours: 20

From-until: not specified

Location: City of Zagreb

Necessary knowledge and skills: Student status/finished university within last 3 years, theoretical knowledge of research implementation, interest about women/gender topics

  1. Expected results for the organization and users: Determine the representation of women/gender topics at the level of study programs, at the course level and at the level of teaching units
  2. Expected results for volunteers: Gaining experience in conducting research, introduction to the content analysis method, expanding communication skills and expanding information on women/gender topics.

On January 1st 2017 the “Women in the Labor Market-Gender Impact Assessment” project has ended. The project was run by the B.a.B.e. association in partnership with the Faculty of Political Science of Zagreb University, the VIMIO association from Vukovar, the Legalina association from Gračac and the City of Zagreb.

The project lasted for 24 months, and the general aim was to contribute to the strengthening of the role of Civil Society Organization (CSOs) advocacy activities focused on general transparency, openness and good governance of the Croatan public administration in the field of gender equality, particularly the policies the contribute to creating a positive environment for women in the labor market.

The activities were divided into 5 groups: 1)Research and assessment of the gender impact of all policies affecting women’s access to the labor market, 2) Strengthening capacities for adopting gender-responsive policies, 3) monitoring and advocacy in local communities, 4) knowledge transfer and good practice examples, 5)visibility-media content production

The research of the policy of reconciling family responsibilities and paid work was carried out in Croatia in 2015 and included several research activities: mapping and analysis of the existing legislative framework (30 documents) and collection of official data and statistics; Interviews with local and national stakeholders (Zagreb, Slavonski Brod, Bukovlje, Metković, Varaždin, Gračac, Zadar); a survey of cities and municipalities on activities that they undertake in order to help parents improve the matching of their paid work and family responsibilities; and household research-the perspective of citizens on matching their work and family responsibilities and the support the receive from local self-government units.

Based on the conducted research, a workshop program was developed for strengthening the capacity to monitor and evaluate policies and measures related to gender equality, gender-responsive policies and the position of women in the labor market. During 2016, 28 workshops had been held, which were intended for civil society organizations, trade unions, political parties and county commissions for gender equality. Six workshops were held for strengthening the capacity to introduce assessments of gender influence in public policies, which were intended for representatives of local authorities. They were held in two cycles-at the beginning and at the end of the project in Zagreb, Gračac and Vukovar.

In order to encourage the evaluation and monitoring of policies at a local level and cooperation between carious stakeholders (from civil society organizations and interested citizens to local and regional authorities, institutions and public institutions) informal coalitions were formed, in Zagreb, Gračac and Vukovar, that discussed the situation and problems in the local community and considered possible forms of action to promote gender-responsive policies. The coalitions have conducted 4 analysis of measures/policies (at national and local levels) that concern the position of women in the labor market and/or gender equality. The Analysis of electoral programs of political parties were published in various media.

In December 2016, the publication “Woman, Mother, Worker: Harmonizing family responsibilities and paid work in Croatia” was published containing results of the research conducted as part of the project in 2015 and an overview of the existing policy measures to harmonize family and work obligations in the Republic of Croatia.

The publication was presented at the regional conference held on December 7th in Zagreb attended by exhibitors from Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Slovenia. In addition, the publication was shared at the screenings of the documentary “Despite Everything: 4 Stories about Women” in Zagreb, Gračac and Vukovar. The documentary was filmed in collaboration with the Student Television (Televizija Student) and it brings stories of four women who had fought for their place on the labor market. It was broadcasted on HRT4 and is available online. The TV show, which lasts half an hour, was also made in collaboration with Televizija Student. The guests were Željka Kamenov (FFZG), Nataša Novaković (HUP) and Tina Tešija (BRID). In collaboration with Radio Student, a total of six half-hour shows were recorded, ad in the Global Newspaper there were 10 articles published dealing with the topic of women’s position in the labor market.

The results of the project include conducting a gender impact assessment of policies and laws affecting women’s access to the labor market (R1); the creation of guidelines and indicators for a long-term gender impact assessment (R2); elevating the capacities of CSOs and state/public bodies at a national and local level in order to create gender responsive policies (R3); establishing standards, principles and deliberative mechanisms for improving policies and measures affecting the position of women in the labor market (R4); and the transfer of knowledge and examples of good practices to all relevant and interested stakeholders (R5).

We are grateful to all who have participated in conducting the project or have contributed to the project activities and results in any way.

We inform all those interested that the helpline for victims of violence of all forms (psychological and legal counseling) is open every work day from 10am to 4 pm.

Psychological and/or legal counseling can be obtained by phone (at the number 051 211 888), and it is also possible to arrange a time of persona arrival at the Counseling center for Victims of Violence.

You can also seek help by e-mail:

The Women’s Association “IZVOR” continues to organize a free English language course for adults. The course is implemented within the framework of the program “Let’s support the social inclusion of people affected by domestic violence”, financed by the Ministry of Demography, Family, Youth and Social Policy in partnership with the City of Osijek and the Croatian Employment Institute.

Under the conditions of the Program, the course focuses primarily on persons exposed to domestic violence and their family members as well as unemployed persons and all employed, volunteers and other members of civil society organizations in the area of the City of Osijek and its surroundings, who have an advantage while enrolling

The course is held in the facilities of the City and University Library once a week for 90 minutes for 18 weeks in the afternoon. It is held by an English professor of language and literature. The groups are formed according to the levels below.

You can get the application form at the link: Prijavni-obrazac-za-tečaj-engleskog-jezika and forward it by e-mail: or to the Association address: V.Mačeka 20,31207 Tenja

The application deadline for this semester is 31 January 2017.

Upon the deadline completion, the participants will be selected according to calling terms and order of application.

The selected will be notified about the course (beginning of February), while other candidates will be included on the reserve list (and will be invited in case of free places) and will be invited to apply for the next deadline (August 2017).

The groups are organized by the CEFR levels-Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

Groups are organized according to the interest of the applicants. You can test your knowledge level at: or similar web sites in order to correctly assess your level and orientate yourself accordingly to the description below:

A1 (beginner)

One can understand and use familiar everyday and simple phrases related to meeting specific needs. Can introduce her/himself and others, ask and answer questions about him/herself and others, such as where one lives, persons one knows, and things one possesses. One can conduct a simple conversation provided that the interlocutor speaks slowly and clearly and is ready to help.

A2 (elementary)

One can understand isolated sentences and frequently used words from areas of personal interest (eg. simple information of oneself and family, information regarding buying, immediate environment, job, etc.). One can communicate in simple and common situations that require simple and immediate exchange of information on familiar topics and activities. One can simply describe the aspects of her/his education, the immediate environment and content in the area of meeting his/her immediate needs.

B2 (pre-intermediate)

One can understand the main thoughts of clear, standard conversation on familiar topics they meet regularly at work, school, in their leisure time, etc. One can deal with most of the situations that may arise during travel through the area where the language is spoken. One can produce a simple text on a familiar topic of personal interest. One can describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes and aspirations and briefly explain her/his views and plans. One can understand the main thoughts of a complex text on specific and abstract topics, including technical discussion within the field of his/her expertise. One can communicate sufficiently fluently and unobtrusively, allowing a normal interaction with a native speaker effortlessly from either side. One can produce a clear, detailed text on a large number of topics and explain his/her view on a current topic, citing the advantages and disadvantages of various options.

B2 (intermediate)

One can understand complex, longer texts from diverse areas and recognize their implicit meaning. One can communicate fluently and unobtrusively without an obviously searching for appropriate expressions. One can flexibly and effectively use the language in social, academic and business situations. One can produce clear, well-structure and detailed texts showing a successful usage of  language forms, connectors and cohesive means.

For other information contact “IZVOR” at 031/290-433 every work day from 9am to 2pm.

An SOS Telephone  has been established for women victims of violence of the Krapina-Zagorje County on Tuesday, January 3rd by the Counseling center for women victims of violence in the Krapina-Zagorje county.

The counseling center is intended for women victims of violence, women who need information connected to domestic violence, partner abuse, as well as any other form of violence. The counseling center offers information services, counseling, psychosocial assistance and legal counseling to future users.

The working hours of the Counseling center are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 am to 12 pm and in other terms according to arrangements made by phone, at the address Trg hrvatske kraljice Jelene 6.

“We invite all women in need of information, counseling or other forms of psychosocial assistance and support in regards to their experience with violence to contact us personally by coming to the newly opened Counseling center Tuesdays or Thursdays from 10 am to 12 pm or by phone at 049/639 281 (Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12 pm until 6 pm) and 091/639 2810 (Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9 am until 3 pm)”, reports the SOS phone line.