Organized by the Center for Women War Victims ROSA and in cooperation with the Gender Equality Committee of the Croatian Parliament today on the 21st of October 2014 an international conference dedicated to the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence has been held. The conference has been held in the building of the Croatian Parliament in Zagreb.

The opening lines were held by Nansi Tireli, president of the Committee for Gender Equality; Nela Pamuković, Coordinator of the Center for Women War Victims ROSA; Gvozden Flego, Head of the Croatian Parliamentary Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe; Josip Leko, president of the Croatian Parliament; and Ivo Josipović, Croatian President.

Upon completion of the opening remarks, Jose Mendes Bota, general Rapporteur for the elimination of violence against women and political coordinator of the Network of Parliamentarians and Parliamentarians entitled “Women free from violence” spoke about the importance of ratification and implementation of the Council of Europe Convention. On the same subject spoke Dubravka Simonovic, member of the UN CEDAW Committee and former co-chairman of the Committee of the Council of Europe CAHVIO and Neva Tolle, president of the Autonomous Women’s House Zagreb. Maja Munivrana Vajda, an assistant professor in the Department of Criminal Law, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, presented a study called “The analysis of compatibility between Croatian legislation with Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence “.

In the second part of the conference, a panel discussion focused on the experience in the process of ratification and advocacy for the ratification of the Convention in Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Slovenia and Serbia. The need and importance of as soon as possible ratification of the Convention of the Council of Europe by the Republic of Croatia are highlighted.

This conference was attended by numerous representatives of the state institutions and civil society organizations dealing with the protection and promotion of the rights of women victims of violence.

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