Znajznanje.org is a website focused on providing interested parties relevant, unbiased information about abortion and access to exercise the right to an abortion in the Republic of Croatia. The site is designed as a central point for information on the right to choice in the context of reproductive and sexual rights. The name “Znaj znanje” (Know knowledge) indicates that the right information is the only guideline in making decisions related to sexual behavior.
Considering that so far in Croatia there was no similar website, which included legislative, technical details and other important information needed to make a decision on performing an abortion, the authors of the site decided on creating and launching the same.
The website states that it does not promote abortion, but the practice of the right to choose and the right to information. It is pointed out that the right to an abortion as a right to choose is one of the fundamental human rights. It also states that abortion is not a contraceptive and should not be used as one and also should not be judged. To abort or continue the pregnancy is a decision that should be made based on information, feelings and according to possibilities and consequences, in agreement – within the partnership. However, the site points out, in the framework of the decision to abort or not, the autonomy of women over their bodies is not to be questioned. The website and facebook page “Znaj znanje” will provide information about sexual education, the legal framework, the appeal of consciousness, hospital addresses and other relevant information.
The site was launched within the project “Mlade žene mijenjaju svijet” (“Young women are changing the world”) organized by the Center for Education, Counseling and Research (CESI), financially supported by the Ministry of Social Policy and Youth of the Republic of Croatia.