Preventive campaigns

Title of the campaign: Stop violence against women

Organization: Center for Women War Victims, Autonomous Women’s House

Period: 1997. – 2002.

Aim of campaigns: collecting and publishing data on violence against women, analysis of legislature and proposals of legislative changes, lobbying for new laws through public campaigns, public service video announcements, posters, leaflets and other


16 days of activism against violence against women

Organization: Autonomous Women’s House

Period: 2000., 2001., 2002., 2004.

Aim: raising public awareness about violence against women through street actions, public service video announcements, exhibitions, media campaigns, interviews etc.


Title of the campaign: Why are they silent? Why are they not present?

Organization: Women’s Network of Croatia

Period: 2003.

Aim: empowering women and raising awareness about the issue of domestic violence


Title of the campaign: Domestic violence is not a sport

Organization: Autonomous Women’s House

Period: 2006.

Aim: informing and educating public and institutions about issues of violence against women.


Title of the campaign: Silence is not golden

Organization: CESI – Center for Education, Counseling, and Research

Period: 2008.

Aim: develop awareness about gender-based violence, innovative project that contributes to positive social changes and enables stable, safe and just societies with equal opportunities for all.


Title of the campaign: Raped

Organization: B. a. B. e.

Period: 2009.

Aim: identify weak points of the implementation of laws related to sexual violence, ensure gender-sensitive and non-discriminatory access for victims of sexual violence.


Title of the campaign: STOP sexual violence!

Organization: Women’s Room – Center for Sexual Rights

Period: 2009.

Aim: raising awareness among the broader public about the consequences and prevalence of sexual violence through newspaper ads, city light ads.


Title of the campaign: Unpaid Work: Who Does What at Home?

Organization: B.a.B.e.

Period: 2009

Aim: raising public awareness about key aspects of gender inequality


Title of the campaign: Equal Society is a Healthy Society!

Organization: CESI – Centre for Education, Counselling and Research

Period: 2009

Aim: sensitisation and informing the general and interested public about the problem of unequal opportunities for women in the labour market


Title of the campaign: Gender Glasses

Organization: CESI – Centre for Education, Counselling and Research

Period: 2009

Aim: increasing the number of women in decision-making positions


Title of the campaign: I am a Roma Woman!

Organization: CARE International NWB

Period: 2010

Aim: draw attention on prejudice and discrimination faced by Roma women, but also and on the need for education and employment of Roma, particularly Roma women


Title of the campaign: I am Signing!

Organization: Women’s Room – Centre for Sexual Rights

Period: 2011

Aim: alerting the general public about the need of introducing a systematic and compulsory education about the prevention of sexual violence among youth in secondary schools


Title of the campaign: Because We Care!

Organization: Centre for LGBT Equality

Period: 2011

Aim: campaign against homophobia and discrimination of LGBT persons


Title of the campaign: The White Ribbon – Men’s “No” to Violence against Women and Girls!

Organization: Croatian Union of Associations of Persons with Disabilities – SOIH, Network of Women with Disabilities

Period: 2012

Aim: raising public awareness about combating violence against women with disabilites


Title of the campaign: In three clicks choose a life free of violence

Organization: Women’s Room – Centre for Sexual Rights

Period: 2012 – 2013

Aim: promotion of web site Safe Zone and raising the awareness of the general public about consequences, prevalence and necessity of reporting violence against women, as well as organisations of civil society that provide assistance and support to women victims of sexual violence


Title of the campaign: Two Little Girls

Organization: CESI – Centre for Education, Counselling and Research

Period: 2013

Aim: raising awareness among children and youth about the problem of human trafficking and how to recognize potentially dangerous situations, as well as how to react

Title of the campaign: Let’s Equilibrate!

Organization: Office for Gender Equality of the Government of the Republic of Croatia

Period: 2013

Aim: promoting the political participation of women in local elections 2013


Title of the campaign: Active and Involved

Organization: Croatian Union of Associations of Persons with Disabilities – SOIH

Period: 2013

Aim: encouraging women with disabilities to actively participate in the political life of the community


Title of the campaign: Living a Life without Violence!

Organization: Ministry of Internal Affairs of Republic of Croatia and United Nations Development Programme in Croatia

Period: 2010 – 2013

Aim: sensitising the general public about the issue of violence and encouraging male and female citizens, especially victims, to report domestic violence


Title of the campaign: Info Campaign

Organization: GORD – Civil Organization for Societal Development

Period: 2013

Aim: raising awareness of the general public about violence against women


Title of the campaign: Equal! Participation of women on local decision-making level

Organization: Women’s Network of Croatia

Period: 2013

Aim: advancing the participation of women in decision-making processes on local level


Title of the campaign: Change Makers – I Walk for Equality

Organization: Association Zora

Period: 2013

Aim:  fundraising for work of Educational centre Zora, encouraging residents of Međimurska County to get active, as well as raising awareness about the problems of violence and human rights


Title of the campaign: Forum of Real Men

Organization: Status M

Period: 2011 – 2014

Aim:  gathering positive male role models to sign Declaration against violence on women, and giving example and support to young men how to form into real man


Title of the campaign: Be a Man, Change the Rules!

Organization: Status M

Period: 2011 – 2014

Aim: sending positive messages about masculinity (be a man, do not be a bully), inclusion of men and boys in the process of building a more equal society


Title of the campaign: You Could Fit in Her Shoes, but you would not Change positions with Her!

Organization: CESI – Centre for Education, Counselling and Research

Period: 2013

Aim: draw attention to the problem of insufficient sensitivity of the general public and the whole society to the issue of discrimination against women in the labour market


Title of the campaign: #DIVERSITY

Organization: Sports club KHM Medvešćak

Period: 2013 – 2014

Aim: promotion of tolerance and human rights as civilisation values and achievements


Title of the campaign: I got Your Back! 

Organization: Hollaback Zagreb

Period: 2012

Aim: providing support to victims of street harassment, which in most cases are women, and considering response options when it comes to bullying


Title of the campaign: I Sign!

Organization: Women’s Network Croatia, PETRA Network

Period: 2013 – 2014

Aim: to establish a zero tolerance for various forms of violence to which women are exposed. Campaign seeks to change the mindset and mentality of individuals, calling the entire society to change its attitudes. Campaign informs the citizens about obligations of the parties that have ratified The Council of Europe’s Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence.


Title of the campaign: One Billion Rising!

Organization: Centre for Women’s Studies, Women’s Room, SOIH, Association Kamensko, Association of Bicycles Union, RODA – Parents in Action

Period: 2013 –

Aim: suppression of all forms of violence against women and girls


Title of the campaign: My Voice against Violence!

Organization (civil and governmental): Office for Gender Equality of the Government of the Republic of Croatia, Women’s Room – Centre for Sexual Rights, CESI – Centre for Education, Counselling and Research

Period: 2014 – 2015

Aim: raising public awareness on the unacceptability of all forms of violence against women and girls, including domestic violence, as well as sending the message about the necessity for zero tolerance on all form of violence against women and girls in Croatia

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